PRIDE class is similar to a homeroom or advisory. Students attend a 30-minute PRIDE class every day. (Monday's and Friday's only during Virtual Learning)

This period is dedicated to a different activity each day of week: Social Emotional Learning (SEL), reading, outside time, free time, grade checks, etc. On certain days, students also may use this period to visit a teacher, complete projects/labs, visit the library, or take care of other academic business with approval and a pass from the PRIDE/other subject teacher.

SEL: Classes explore the AISD SEL curriculum or other approved modules or attend SEL assemblies.

Reading: The entire class participates in sustained silent reading.

Grades: Students check their grades and may work on assignments in groups or alone. Teachers meet with students individually as needed to review grades and make a plan to help bring them up.

Outside: Teachers escort students to football field/track for exercise. Equipment is provided.

Free: On free days, we pull some classes for intramurals, while others play board games, card games or team-building activities.