Student Council

*Meetings are on Thursday afternoon at 3:45 (or 10 minutes after the end of the school day) - Meetings usually run 45 minutes - We will continue to meet virtually in Zoom if the campus needs to stay closed beyond September 8th. 

We are a campus leadership organization that participates in:

  • Campus service projects such as painting the fire lanes and inspirational quotes on the hallway columns, writing thank you notes to members of the CSMS community, and we maintain the clothing recycling bin near the front door.
  • We hear student feedback and create new projects based on that information. *We run the concessions stand during the Valentines Dance and the Kid Wash at Splash Fest.
  • The CSMS Student Council goes on a field trip to attend a district wide Student Council Summit annually in the Spring.

Student Council Sponsor is Ms. Teel email for more information