Cougar News - 9/30/24

REMINDER: Next week is short week,
There is NO SCHOOL on
Thursday 10/3 & Friday 10/4

A Letter from Ms. Bedford

Hello Smallville, 

What I love most about our campus is the daily warm and inviting atmosphere created by both our students and staff. The way students take pride in the building and truly embrace the Cougar culture is incredible. Sometimes, I find myself wondering how different my middle school years would have been if I had experienced this type of environment during such a pivotal time in my life.

One thing I appreciate about our community is how we approach decisions by asking, "If I had to walk in that person’s shoes, how would I respond?" It’s a reminder that we’re all part of something bigger, and here at Small, we do our best to ensure everyone is taken care of in the ways they need.

Our students, in particular, are champions of creating this positive culture. They’re so tapped into making sure everyone feels included and supported. I see students go out of their way to invite others into conversations, offer help when a classmate seems lost, or simply check in on a friend who's having a tough day. They understand the power of kindness and make it their mission to ensure no one feels left out. It’s this sense of belonging and connection that makes our campus special.

I see so many moments where our students recognize that everyone is dealing with their own challenges, whether silently or out loud, and they find ways to support each other. But I also want to remind you that this goes for our teachers and staff, too. They show up for our Cougars every day, often in ways you might not even see. Whether it’s creating a welcoming classroom, staying late to prepare lessons, or just being a steady presence, our teachers are navigating their own battles while still giving their best to the students on a daily basis. It's a team effort, and we’re all in this together, doing our part to create a positive and caring school environment.

Have an amazing weekend!

Stay Present Cougars,


Read the full story for September 20, 2024
