Fine Arts


Art provides comprehensive learning in visual knowledge and skills. In Art, competencies and content are taught through the 4 basic strands - perception, creative expression, historical and cultural heritage, and critical evaluation. It may be taken as a one semester or yearlong elective, which requires teacher approval. Advanced Art Class requires the art teacher's recommendation.


Band provides students with continued instruction on a chosen band instrument. Students will be placed in a specific band class based on their current skill level and previous experience. It may only be taken as a full year elective. Teacher approval required for placement.

Band Website


Choir is the study of vocal music techniques in a group setting. Students should select Choir on their choice sheet and will be placed in the following group most appropriate for their skill level and voice: 6th Grade Choir, Concert Choir, Tenor Bass Choir, and Chamber Choir. This course may only be taken as a full year elective.

Choir Website


Orchestra is the continued instruction on a chosen orchestral instrument. Students will be place in a specific orchestra class based on their current skill level and previous experience. It may only be taken as a full year elective. Teacher approval required for placement.

Orchestra Website

Theatre Arts

Theatre Arts is offered as a one-semester course that covers basic and advanced techniques in acting. Students will study areas such as improvisation, play writing and directing. Advanced Theatre is offered as a yearlong elective for the advanced actor. This is a performance-based class, which will put on several play productions during the school year. Rehearsals after school are an integral part of this course. Selection through audition is required.


Dance is offered as a year long course for 6th grade and a semester course for 7th and 8th grade. Students will study ballet, jazz, and modern dance techniques, as well as principles for a fit and healthy lifestyle. The Cougar dance team is offered as a yearlong elective for advanced dancers in 7th and 8th grade. Selection through audition is required.

Dance Website