
How to Apply to Small

Our Application to Small Green Tech Academy is currently
closed for the 2024-2025 school year.

The deadline to apply was February 6th, 2024.

Step 1

Go to your Parent Portal ( and find the "Enroll Austin" Tile in the parent portal.

Fill out the information and put in your teacher recommendation email addresses. 

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Step 2

 NEXT STEPS, Please fill out our next steps to sign up for an essay date

How to get Accepted

We look at 3 things

  • Student Grades
  • Teacher Recommendations
  • Student On-Site Essays

You can find our Rubric for grading here

Essay Information

Students typically find the Essay to be the most intimidating part of applying to our Green Tech Academy. Please help us ease their minds. We use the essay to get to know the kids a bit. What we are looking for is about 2 paragraphs discussing a prompt. We will give them 3 prompt choices. They can write on whichever prompt they feel they have the most to talk about. 

The prompts will be very vague and we are looking for them to tell us about a little store. They will come to Small and can handwrite or type their essay. Here are some helpful suggestions for a successful essay

  • Outline your thoughts on paper
  • Plan to write 2 paragraphs or more
  • Tell as story related to the prompt
  • Write a rough draft
  • Write your final product
  • Use spellcheck and grammar check on your computer
  • Take your time

We give the students 2 hours to complete their essays, most don't take that long. Some are done in 15 minutes, others take all 2 hours. We honor all accommodations. If your student needs accommodation for the essay please specify that on the Next Steps google form where you sign up for the essay.